Saturday, 28 January 2012

Thinking to much about snow...

So I started out wanting to say something about the test we had yesterday, but then I went out to walk my dogs and my brain totally switched directions. So if I look out my window right now I would see the huge blizzard going on beyond the glass, of course I won't do that because it will put me in a completely somber mood. As I'm trecking through the foot and a half of snow and the snow falling is blurring my view I think about how every snow flake is different. Then I think of how every snow flake eventually hits the ground and no longer becomes a snowflake, but just snow. Then I think even further, if you separate the snow, dig deep will you find that very same snowflake? or does it lose all the integrity it had and become just like every other part of the snow? So those are my non-rhetorical questions, what do you think? Or am I the only one who has wondered about stuff like this?

1 comment:

  1. Very philosophical post! I can think of parallels in life, for example, each snowflake is a student that becomes part of the snow, or school system, where it's easy to get lost and just be a number.....hopefully each of those snowflakes keeps its self-worth and integrity under the weight of all that bureaucracy!
