Friday, 31 August 2012

At the end of week 2

So I've had time to adapt, I've gotten all settled in and I must say that I love it! I love the freedom, I love my classes and I love my options.
The very first day was a little rough, both my land line and my Internet were down so I had a day full of strange people in my house.
I really like how much of a challenge all my courses are. I'm actually learning stuff in my French class which I haven't done in a while, not to sound derogatory. My calc and physics class are cool, I find them really interesting.
I do miss home... Kind of. I went home for the first time yesterday and I was glad to be there but I was also glad to come back.
I also really like the people here! I've got to catch up with old friends which is so nice. I can just feel that this was the right thing for me to do.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Moving Day!

Today is the BIG day!! Today, I move out of my parents house for the very first time and I don't really know how to feel. This morning as I packed up the last few things into a box and looked around my now empty room, I felt nostalgic. Its not as if I were leaving for ever, my parents can't get rid of me that easily, but I am leaving a lot behind me. I am going from being on top, to the very bottom. That may be an exaggeration, but I know things will be so very different. When I drop my computer on my little toe and break it as I did this morning, my dad won't be there to run and get me ice, or to make me laugh until I completely forget about it. My mum won't be there to brush my hair when I have a bad day, knowing her though, she very well might make the hour long trip to do it. I'll have to put up with new neighbors who have no idea that I play the saxophone, loudly. I'll have to do my own laundry, my own dishes, Oh God, I'm going to have to clean my own bathroom! 

One note I have about moving for the first time on my own is that I had NO Idea how much STUFF I have! Every time I go on a trip I tend to find things I like and it accumulates. I have used far more boxes than I thought I would have needed. 

I am exited though, it's a new chapter. No longer am I a little girl. I get to make my own decisions. I feel like I'll have more opportunities to help people when I no longer am in a suffocatingly small town. I feel like I've out grown it but I still have a lot to grow.

To New Beginnings!