Friday, 12 October 2012

Worst to Best.

Yesterday I didn't have a class until 2 which always puts me in a good mood. I mean who doesn't love not having to get up before noon? Well my cat doesn't. He thought I should be up at 8 which isn't too bad, but still started my day off poorly.
Also, my iPad has broken, it's been broken for about a week so I thought since I was already up I would head down to the apple store to get it checked out. When I got there I thought it was my lucky day, there were about 3 people not wearing one of those dumb "genius" shirts. I head down to the counter and talk to one of the guys there. He asked if I had an appointment, I said no to which he replied that I needed one in order to speak to someone. I said okay, when's the next slot? Oh we don't have one until 5. I looked around me, there was virtually no one in the store! He wouldn't even take my iPad to have it checked, so I left. Then I went to Chapters to finish the reading I had to do and I like the atmosphere so I figured it would make me feel better. As I was sitting down I pulled out my book and the back cover ripped.
Then, as I was getting on the bus, the zipper on my favorite leather jacket breaks. So I was trapped in my jacket and couldn't get it off.
As I got to school I was certain that my day couldn't be any worse. I walked through the hall way and see two of my friends who cut me out of the jacket laugh both at me and with me.
I got to my Lit class and had a blast with the people who are pretty fantastic, then I got everything I needed to get done, done. Except for my iPad, that is still sitting on my desk making me angry.
This goes to show that a really bad day can indeed go well.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Thanksgiving, be Thankful for where we live

Autumn has to be the best time of the year, everything is pretty darn perfect! We get a three day weekend, things look really pretty, and the scarf options are endless!
So Friday, as soon as my class was done a couple girlfriends and I headed towards Montreal to celebrate a birthday, which was soo great! There really isn't anything like Montreal on a Friday night.
When I made my way towards my parents house for the whole turkey shindig, I realized how absolutely fantastic the trees look. Also, turkey, oh my goodness, turkey is fantastic! When you get that on piece of dressing that is just the right amount of crispy, you have quite a bit to be thankful for. The colours of the trees are at their peek, and if you can take advantage of that I strongly suggests you do. My mum, dad and I went for the nicest hike.
I can't remember the last time I did and enjoyed it so much. So if you haven't already, bundle up, go outside, and take advantage of this time of year! You won't regret it!

Friday, 28 September 2012

Way to much brain activity

So as I was getting dressed this morning, I put on my tights and danced around my room while the radio played. then I thought to myself, does everyone put tights on the same way? I've  only ever been taught one, very specific way to put them on, and that any other way would muck them up. But people who we're exposed to completely different things growing up must do it differently, right? What about people in China, they probably do it differently, or do they put them on the same way.
This got me thinking about a whole bunch of other things that I do a certain way and have never thought about changing. What about making tea? I've been taught that there was only one way to do it right, but I'm sure people in Africa make it differently, or does everyone do it the same way?
Anyways just something to think about...

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Being Sick... Alone

So for the first time since I've moved out, I got the flu. This really shouldn't surprise me, even though I don't look like a sickly person, I am. I'm always getting sick, something to do with an uber weak immune system.
Anyways the other night I get home, and I fell absolutely awful.  I new what was happening but had no idea how to deal with it. So I went to the pharmacy and loaded up on all of their cough/flu medication. I made myself a bunch of tea and prepared myself for the worst. Sure enough the next morning I wake up, head buzzing with an uncanny inability to breath through my nose without sounding like a dying cat. So I go back to bed, wake up hours later and manage to haul myself to the kitchen.
OK. I said to myself. You can do this! I rummage through my cupboards for some soup only to come up empty. My mum is away taking care of her sister, so calling her is out of the question, maybe my grand-ma! I give her a call, when she picks up, I ask her if she wants to come over and bring me soup. She promptly hung up on me.
Feeling very sorry for myself at this point I call the deli a few blocks away from my house and when an old lady picks up the phone, I ask her with quite a few pretty pleases if they could deliver me some soup as I was sick. This Lady not only has someone bring me soup, but also a "care package" full of tea,honey and crackers. Great people do still exists!
Now I'm feeling much better and life has returned to normal, I don't think I'll be forgetting this anytime soon though.

Friday, 31 August 2012

At the end of week 2

So I've had time to adapt, I've gotten all settled in and I must say that I love it! I love the freedom, I love my classes and I love my options.
The very first day was a little rough, both my land line and my Internet were down so I had a day full of strange people in my house.
I really like how much of a challenge all my courses are. I'm actually learning stuff in my French class which I haven't done in a while, not to sound derogatory. My calc and physics class are cool, I find them really interesting.
I do miss home... Kind of. I went home for the first time yesterday and I was glad to be there but I was also glad to come back.
I also really like the people here! I've got to catch up with old friends which is so nice. I can just feel that this was the right thing for me to do.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Moving Day!

Today is the BIG day!! Today, I move out of my parents house for the very first time and I don't really know how to feel. This morning as I packed up the last few things into a box and looked around my now empty room, I felt nostalgic. Its not as if I were leaving for ever, my parents can't get rid of me that easily, but I am leaving a lot behind me. I am going from being on top, to the very bottom. That may be an exaggeration, but I know things will be so very different. When I drop my computer on my little toe and break it as I did this morning, my dad won't be there to run and get me ice, or to make me laugh until I completely forget about it. My mum won't be there to brush my hair when I have a bad day, knowing her though, she very well might make the hour long trip to do it. I'll have to put up with new neighbors who have no idea that I play the saxophone, loudly. I'll have to do my own laundry, my own dishes, Oh God, I'm going to have to clean my own bathroom! 

One note I have about moving for the first time on my own is that I had NO Idea how much STUFF I have! Every time I go on a trip I tend to find things I like and it accumulates. I have used far more boxes than I thought I would have needed. 

I am exited though, it's a new chapter. No longer am I a little girl. I get to make my own decisions. I feel like I'll have more opportunities to help people when I no longer am in a suffocatingly small town. I feel like I've out grown it but I still have a lot to grow.

To New Beginnings! 

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Chem memoires

So this is it, I have learnt so much, about things that I never would have dreamt understood. I now know  why gases behave the way they do and how formulas can turn into a puzzle with Hess's Law. I now know that units really are everything and that no matter what you are doing, always invision the problem as a pyramid that needs its base before everything can be completed. I think that is something that not only applies to Chem, but to any problem we are faced with. Mrs Cule was always ready to help and dedicate as much time as needed for you to understand the lesson at hand, which occasionally took a while. To next years students I really only have one piece of advice. STUDY! Even if you think you know it make the flash cards as you are learning so when you get to the end of the year and have forgotten the first few months, your brain doesn't turn to goo. Dicipline is one of the biggest things with the flipped classes and not being afraid to ask the questions, but if you keep up to date on everything you should be fine. Chemistry isn't necissarily easy, but it can be manageable and one can learn really intersting and cool things.

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Monday, 2 April 2012


Here I have been for the past 2 days trying to get get my lessons but alas, Voice Thread never wants to respond. I am the only one to whom this happens? I would really like to know why it is that this seems to be the only site that does not co-operate. >.< So if by any chance this has happened to you I would love to know why it's happening to moi and how I can get around it. Thanks!

Thursday, 29 March 2012

More then one Infinity? o.0

Infinity is a weird enough concept to really understand since our brains like when things are malleable and easy to picture, but when we throw in the fact that there may be more then one size of it, well, it can get really confusing. So I drew up this concept map...

Monday, 5 March 2012

Math Vacay?

It's March Break! YAY!! Vacation time! My mum won't tell me where we are going.. but I'm cool with that, reasonably. It's on a beach outside the continental US which is great, since I'm not the biggest fan of Americans.. they assume we own  polar bears, no joke, a guy in Las Vegas once asked me if I did and where I kept him.. it was weird. So I'm super stoked!
Alas, there must always be a catch. The darn printers at my school were on the Fritz all of last week. Which meant I couldn't take the test we were supposed to have. Normally I would be the first to jump for joy in such a scenario, but, and there is always a but, I can't take it until we get back. Which means I have to bring along my math stuff so I don't forget all I have learnt before the test. I am being the biggest nerd dragging around my notes and notebook. Oh well, at least I'll be studying in STYLE!
I still haven't looked at my ticket because my mum is keeping it with her... but everyone around us is looking very tropical and beachy.
While we are on March Break no reason for our brains to become goo though.. so for those who don't need to study all week on a beach... A little bit on this crazy Leap Year phenomenon.


Wednesday, 1 February 2012


How I feel when I try to explain my math homework to my father...

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Never judge by first glance

So on Friday I sat down to do my math test on logs. Yes, I thought logs belonged in the forest up until about a month ago, and in my opinion they do. There I was, staring at this great big equations with just as many letter as numbers as numbers. I looked at it for a few minutes, thinking to myself that this couldn't possibly make any sense, so I move on, trying to get it out of my head, and do the questions I knew, I knew. I finally get back to it. Roll up my sleeves... Then I realize that every combination of letters and numbers could easily be punched into my lovely calculator. I felt pretty dumb for being intimidated by such a simple thing.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Thinking to much about snow...

So I started out wanting to say something about the test we had yesterday, but then I went out to walk my dogs and my brain totally switched directions. So if I look out my window right now I would see the huge blizzard going on beyond the glass, of course I won't do that because it will put me in a completely somber mood. As I'm trecking through the foot and a half of snow and the snow falling is blurring my view I think about how every snow flake is different. Then I think of how every snow flake eventually hits the ground and no longer becomes a snowflake, but just snow. Then I think even further, if you separate the snow, dig deep will you find that very same snowflake? or does it lose all the integrity it had and become just like every other part of the snow? So those are my non-rhetorical questions, what do you think? Or am I the only one who has wondered about stuff like this?

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

So we meet again, Quadratic Formula >.< .

Last year I remember drilling that silly little formula into my head, making sure I remembered every which way to use it, and of course as it is with most things I drill into my head, I forgot all about it a few minutes after the final exam. But here we are, trying to squeeze our brains trying so very hard to remeber how to use it, because no matter how far we run, we can NEVER escape the lovely quadratic formula. Here we are using them along with logs, and it wouldn't surprise me if we kept using them until the end of College, so we meet again Quadratics...

Friday, 13 January 2012

Youth Ambassador 2012!!!!!!

I want to be a Youth Ambassador because I feel very strongly that everyone should be aware of what is going on all over the world, the good and the bad. I think ONE person can make a difference be it big or small. I want to BE THE CHANGE. I want to witness first hand what is really going on.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Water Bears are COOL!

Ok, so I was going throught my youtube subs as I so often do, I came across this UBER cool video about these UBER cool little creatures, well I think so anyways. So these water bears, or Tardigrades are these little organisms that can survive in the most airid conditions, they can survive at ABSOLUTE ZERO, 300 F or even under crazy pressure! CRAZY! They're also kind of cute. I know this doesn't have much to do with math, but I thought I should share. I also LOVE the Doctor Who refrence :)